4. Data Structures: Sets
The #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# object is a peculiar one. You can think of a #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# as a group of arbitrary objects with no particular order. Most functionality of the #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# object tries to emulate principles of the mathematical field of set theory. Sets are mutable, but can only contain immutable objects. A #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# is most commonly defined by specifying a comma-separated sequence inside curly brackets.
#\mathtt{\{}\textit{object}_\textit{0},\textit{object}_\textit{1}, \dots, \textit{object}_\textit{n}\mathtt{\}}#
#\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{set}}\mathtt{(}\textit{iterable}\mathtt{)}#
The objects that make up a #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# can be any immutable Python object. The order in which you specify objects within the curly brackets is not necessarily preserved when the code is executed. Another property of sets is that they can only store unique elements, when you define duplicate elements, any subsequent duplicate instance is simply ignored.
>>> {2, 3, 1}
{1, 2, 3}
>>> set("Hello, world!")
{' ', '!', ',', 'H', 'd', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'r', 'w'}
When a #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# is displayed, its elements are sometimes still shown in ascending order. This does not mean that this is also how the #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# is stored in memory. If we iterate over the set in the second example the characters are returned in a different order than initially displayed.
>>> [char for char in set("Hello, world!")]
[',', 'H', 'l', 'e', 'r', 'o', ' ', 'w', '!', 'd']
The actual ordering of a #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# is dependent on a lot of factors and can even change between different runs of a program. Therefore, a #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# is commonly defined as an unordered collection of objects.
Set theory is the branch of mathematical logic that studies sets. Set theory defines a lot of relations between sets. Python also enables you to test for these relations between its #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# objects.
Python supports the most common operations of set theory between two #\color{#4271ae} {\mathtt{\text{set}}}# objects; the union, the intersection, the difference, and the symmetric difference between two sets are all supported, both as operator and method.
>>> A = {1, 2, 3}
>>> B = {3, 4, 5} >>> C = {5, 6, 7} |
Name | Operator | Method | Result |
Union | #\mathtt{\text{A}\color{#3e999f} {\text{ | }}\text{B}}# | #\mathtt{\text{A.}\color{#4271ae} {\text{union}}\text{(B)}}# |
#\mathtt{\text{\{}\color{#F5871F}{\text{1}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{2}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{3}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{4}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{5}}\text{\}}}# |
Intersection | #\mathtt{\text{A}\color{#3e999f} {\text{ & }}\text{B}}# | #\mathtt{\text{A.}\color{#4271ae} {\text{intersection}}\text{(B)}}# |
#\mathtt{\text{\{}\color{#F5871F}{\text{3}}\text{\}}}# |
Difference | #\mathtt{\text{A}\color{#3e999f} {\text{ - }}\text{B}}# | #\mathtt{\text{A.}\color{#4271ae} {\text{difference}}\text{(B)}}# |
#\mathtt{\text{\{}\color{#F5871F}{\text{1}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{2}}\text{\}}}# |
Symmetric Difference | #\mathtt{\text{A}\color{#3e999f} {\text{ ^ }}\text{B}}# | #\mathtt{\text{A.}\color{#4271ae} {\text{symmetric_difference}}\text{(B)}}# |
#\mathtt{\text{\{}\color{#F5871F}{\text{1}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{2}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{4}}\text{, }\color{#F5871F}{\text{5}}\text{\}}}# |
Because sets are an unordered collection of objects, they do not support indexing or slicing. They do still support methods that add and remove elements. These differ from the methods explained above in that arguments and returned values can also be different objects than sets. They also support the same keywords as tuples.
Sets only support one straight-forward function for adding elements; the #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{add}}\text{()}}# function allows you to add objects to the set as individual elements.
>>> s = {1, 2}
>>> s.add(3) >>> s |
{1, 2, 3}
>>> s.add((1, 2, 3))
{(1, 2, 3), 1, 2, 3}
Sets support three functions for the removal of elements. These functions are #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{pop}}\text{()}}#, which removes and returns an arbitrary member of the set, #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{remove}}\text{()}}# and #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{discard}}\text{()}}#, which both remove the member given as an argument. However, #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{remove}}\text{()}}# returns an error when the member can't be found, while #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{discard}}\text{()}}# does not.
>>> s.pop()
>>> s.remove((1, 2, 3))
{2, 3}
Sets also support the #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{clear}}\text{()}}# method to remove all members of the #\mathtt{\color{#4271ae} {\text{set}}}#.
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