Functions: Lines and linear functions
Systems of equations
A number of notions introduced in Linear equations with a single unknown will be extended to systems of equations.
With a system of equations we mean one or more equations with one or more unknowns.
A solution to the system of equations is a list of values of the unknowns that, when entered in each equation of the system, makes all equalities true.
To solve a system of equations is to determine all solutions. The set of all solutions is called the solution set.
Generally speaking, we order the unknowns and write solutions as lists with values of the unknowns in the predefined order.
Two systems of equations are called equivalent if they have the same solution set.
A typical example is the system \[\lineqs{6\cdot x^2- y^2 &=& 14 \cr 2\cdot x^2 + 3\cdot y^2 &=& 18 \cr}\] with unknowns #x# and #y#, that can also be written as \[{6\cdot x^2- y^2 = 14 \quad \land\quad 2\cdot x^2 + 3\cdot y^2 = 18 }\tiny.\]
In the input field of exercises, this system is entered as \[\left[6x^2-y^2 = 14, 2x^2+3y^2 = 18\right] \tiny. \]
If the order of the unknowns is defined as #x,y#, then the list #\left[\sqrt{3},2\right]# is a solution. This can be verified by substituting #x=\sqrt{3}# and #y=2# in the equations and observing that the result is a true statement: \[\lineqs{6\cdot 3- 4 &=& 14 \cr 2\cdot 3 + 3\cdot 4 &=& 18 \cr}\tiny.\]
These equalities are true, so #\rv{x,y}=\rv{\sqrt{3},2}# is a solution. To solve this system is to find all solutions. In this case, these are, besides the solution already found, #\left[\sqrt{3},-2\right]#, #\left[-\sqrt{3},2\right]# en #\left[-\sqrt{3},-2\right]#.
In case the system of equations consists of a single equation with a single unknown, the definition of equivalence coincides with the definition of Linear equations with a single unknown.
After all, substitution of the right hand side of the second equation by #p# in the first equation gives
\[ y=1-6\cdot \left(4-6\cdot x\right) \tiny.\]
Expanding of the right hand side then gives #y=36\cdot x-23#.
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